Calling All Frontend Innovators: Submit Your Papers!

Become a part of the leading edge in web development by submitting your paper to our upcoming frontend conference.

At the heart of our community lies a steadfast belief: bold ideas and fresh perspectives drive the progress in frontend development. This year, we aim to elevate this conviction to new heights with your contribution. Do you have groundbreaking research, a captivating case study, or disruptive technology to share? We want to hear from you!

Our call for papers will be open until the end of September 30th, 2024 CET. We still have room for your talk!


16 available sessions


English, 45 minutes including Q&A


New trends in JavaScript frameworks and libraries
Improvements in accessibility and user experience
Innovations in CSS, animations, and responsive design
Case studies on web performance optimization
Advances in development tools and workflows
Integrating emerging technologies into the frontend, like AI, VR, and more
Sustainable Web Design and Development
Web3 and Frontend Development

Tips and tricks for your proposals

Original ideas

We value original ideas applicable to real-world problems. Our audience expects to get inspiration, learn, and apply their learnings to their current problems.

Pre-record your live coding

If your talk contains live coding, we would prefer if you could pre-record it. If you'd rather do it live, make sure you have practiced enough beforehand.

Descriptive talk abstracts

Make sure that the talk abstract contains as much detail about the presentation as possible. That includes possible extras and uncommon setups (audio, network, etc).

Don't over-mention your employer

It is OK to mention your employer, but if you push it too hard the audience will complain. This applies even if your employer is sponsoring Devops Barcelona Conference.

Keep the audience in mind

There will be professional developers, sysadmins, devops, managers as well as newcomers.

Make sure your talk is engaging.

If it can be summarized in a blog post, it is probably not worth a 40 minutes talk.

Submissions we would like to see.

Success / failure stories about applying an approach / technology to a business problem, lessons learned. Innovative ideas / technologies, applicable to current problems. Inspiring talks that reflect upon shared problems and will leave the audience with renewed motivation, new ideas, etc. As a general guideline, our motto is "problems of today, ideas from the future".

Submissions we would NOT like to see.

Commercial talks about a product. Recruitment talks to highlight your current employer and attract talent. Talks that are not in English. Talks that do not comply with our Code Of Conduct.

Compensations for speaking at Frontend Barcelona 2024

We are conference speakers ourselves, and we understand the importance of being well-treated at a conference. As a speaker, this is what you will get apart from some extra surprises.

Free Tickets

Free ticket to the conference (all goodies included!)

Paid Accommodation

Up to 3 nights at a Hotel near the venue


You will appear in the conference leaflet and website

Travel Cost

Up to 800 EUR within Europe and 1400 EUR outside Europe

Flight / Accomodation for Sponsorship

Here is a deal! If your company can pay for your flight or accommodation, it will be listed together with Bronze sponsors. All talks are recorded and published online at our YouTube channel so your company will get an extra push.

What are you waiting for?
